Tag Archives: Sinebrychoff

Sinebrychoff Puolukka-Stout


  • Brewery: Sinebrychoff
  • Country: Finland
  • Style: Stout
  • ABV: 4.7%
  • Size: 330 ml
  • Bought from: Gift, but can be found in most supermarkets for around 1.80 – 2€
  • Not on Beer Advocate
  • RateBeer

    Today it was time to try one of the new brews from Sinebrychoff, Finland’s largest brewery. Their Puolukka-Stout (Lingonberry Stout) was released this fall, and this stout has been brewed with lingonberry juice and blueberry juice (and unfortunately some starch and artificial aromas as well). The beer has an IBU of 25 and an EBC of 110. Should be an interesting beer!

    [easyreview title=”Sinebrychoff Puolukka-Stout” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer pours with a dark brown color (with some hints of red color as well), and a slight cream-colored head, that quickly collapses to leave slight lacing along the glass.” cat1rating=”3″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The aroma of the beer is dominated by a strong hint of berry juice, lending tones of blueberries and some lingonberry. Behind this one can detect a presence of dark malts as well.” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”Hmm, I don’t know where I should begin, as this beer definitely offers a strange taste experience. The flavors are similar to the aroma, offering a combination of berry juices (though not as dominating as in the aroma) and some slight roasted malt tones. The flavors are introduced quite simultaneously, meaning they clash quite a lot in the mouth. They aftertaste is slightly acidic, slightly dry and roasty.” cat3rating=”2″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The beer has a quite light body, and a moderately light carbonation level. It is quite easy to drink, but the strange flavor combination and aftertaste lowers the drinkability a bit.” cat4rating=”3″ summary=”A strange, and unfortunately not all too tasty, beer, that I had some difficulty finishing. The combination of berries and a (weak) stout doesn’t work out all too good. I still applaud Sinebrychoff for trying something different.”]

    Thanks Pia for buying me this!