Have had a short break in writing, since I’ve been practicing and preparing for my orchestra’s 50-year anniversary concert that was held last weekend. It went surprisingly well, and am relieved that that project is finally over. Today it’s time for a “light and hoppy” pale (golden) ale by Little Valley Brewery. Their Withens Pale Ale is brewed with 100% organic ingredients, including Barley Malt, Wheat Malt, Cane Sugar and Cascade hops. Looks promising!
[easyreview title=”Little Valley Withens Pale Ale” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer pours with a pale-golden color, and forms a slight white-colored head, that quickly collapses leaving minimal lacing along the glass. I poured the complete bottle (not remembering this was a bottle-conditioned ale), meaning chunks of yeast sediment ended up in my glass. That is my own fault though.” cat1rating=”3″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The aroma is quite light, with floral, spicy and citrusy (some grapefruit and orange) tones of the hops, combined with a slight maltiness.” cat2rating=”3.5″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The flavor is also quite light, and is dominated by a combination of slightly toasty maltiness and some grassy and citrusy hop tones. The flavor ends in a surprisingly bitter and crisp finish. Quite a good balance for such a light and low-ABV beer.” cat3rating=”3.5″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The beer has a crisp, light and quite dry body, and a moderate carbonation level, making it easy to drink and refreshing. A refreshing thirst-quencher that would probably make a great summer beer. The large yeast chunks bother a bit, but can be left out with a careful pour.” cat4rating=”3.5″ cat5title=”Overall” cat5detail=”A light and refreshing golden ale, with some nice hop tones and pleasant bitterness. Quite a good price as well for the large bottle. If you are a fan of organic products, this will please you as well. Definitely try out if your after something light and crisp instead of something very complex and packed with different flavors.” cat5rating=”3.5″ overall=”false”]
Thanks to Pia for buying me this!