Marsalkka India Pale Ale

  • Brewery: Saimaan Juomatehdas
  • Country: Finland
  • Style: American IPA
  • ABV: 5.2 %
  • Size: 330 ml
  • Bought from: Alko, 3.71 euro
  • Not on Beer Advocate
  • RateBeer


Today it’s time to try an American IPA from the Lappeenranta-based microbrewery Saimaan Juomatehdas (who also are responsible for brewing a part of Panimoravintola Bruuveri’s beer). According to rumors, this is the same beer as Bruuveri’s Kevät Ipeloinen, which I’ve tried a couple of times during the autumn and though was tasty. This is one of the ten Finnish microbrewery beers that were released today at Alko in honor of their 80-year anniversary. Haven’t been very impressed by Saimaan Juomatehdas’ beer, so I don’t have my hopes up, but hopefully this will taste similar to Kevät Ipeloinen. This IPA has been brewed with pilsner malts, and hopped with Tomahawk, Amarillo and Cascade hops to an IBU of 89. Hopefully the high bitterness is balanced with hop flavors and a malt backbone. Let’s see how it tastes!

[easyreview title=”Marsalkka India Pale Ale” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer pours clear and with a golden color. A minimal white-colored head is formed, that disappears quickly, leaving almost no lacing along the glass. The beer could definitely look better.” cat1rating=”3″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The aroma is quite light, but there is a faint floral hoppiness (some slight citrus tones) and a light breadiness. The aroma isn’t very promising, but hopefully the flavor department delivers.” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The flavor begins with a slight maltiness (some light tones of honey present), that is joined by a floral, grassy and grapefruity hoppiness (that is joined by a minimal metallic off-flavor). The aftertaste is bitter and relatively dry. The bitterness definitely takes over, and I feel the hop flavors and maltiness are definitely lacking. Shame, as I remember Kevät Ipeloinen being much more fruity in the flavor.” cat3rating=”3.5″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The body is medium-light and the beer has a medium carbonation level. The bitterness is not that well balanced and a little too prominent in the flavor, making it a bit difficult to drink.” cat4rating=”3″ summary=”An average IPA, that unfortunately was lacking hop aroma, flavor and balance. There are better IPAs available at Alko, so I won’t be buying this one again. Shame though that I brought two of these today. The beer wasn’t bad though, but it’s a shame the brewers didn’t use more late hopping and a bit of crystal malt, which I believe would have improved this beer a lot. Hopefully the other 9 beers from the microbrewery release are better!”]

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