I got a request from a friend to review more beers that are easily accessible, so here is one from a Finnish microbrewery, available in almost every bigger K-Supermarket or K-Citymarket. Stadin Panimo is a Helsinki-based microbrewery that has been operating since 1999. Their beers are usually available on tap in better pubs, and some of their products can be bought from larger supermarkets (I believe you can even get some from the Arkadia Alko).
[easyreview title=”Stadin Panimo American Simcoe Lager” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer has a golden-amber color, and is slighty hazy (the beer is unfiltered), with a slight white head (producing some lacing along the glass).” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The beer has a sweet, fruity, and slightly bitter aroma. Not a very strong aroma. I could also detect a faint touch of fusel alcohol.” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The beer initially has a bitter and citrusy flavour, contributed by the Simcoe hopping, that quickly moves into a caramelly maltiness, with the taste ending quite sweet with low bitterness. Quite refreshing, but a little dry, so it could you a stronger (and perhaps more interesting) malt background.” cat3rating=”2.5″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”As mentioned the body is dry and quite light, and the beer has moderate carbonation. Easy to drink and refreshing on a warm day.” cat4rating=”3″ summary=”This beer was nothing special, but definitely tastier than the bulk lagers available everywhere. Stadin Panimo is an interesting Finnish microbrewery, and will be reviewing their Citra Pale Ale in the near future.”]
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