- Brewery: Brewdog
- Country: Scotland
- Style: Amber Ale (?)
- ABV: 2.8 %
- Size: 330 ml
- Bought from: Brewdog Shop, ~2.4 euro
- Beer Advocate
- RateBeer
Brewdog released a set of four prototype beers (Blitz, Hops Kill Nazis, Prototype 17 and Scotch Ale) on their online shop in the end of last year, and allowed blog visitors to vote for their favorite (with the winner apparently becoming a part of the original line-up). I ordered two sets of the prototypes, and having tasted them all now, I like the Scotch Ale the most, followed by Hops Kill Nazis and Blitz. Blitz, which I will be drinking today, is a ‘low alcohol’ (2.8% ABV) hop-bomb, brewed only with caramalts, to give a perceived greater body and some balance to the bitterness. The problem with most low alcohol beers, is that they usually feel thin and watery, and are difficult to balance, since they are made with a less amount of malts. Brewdog tries to counter this by using only caramel malts, which are not as fermentable as base malts, such as pilsner or maris otter malts, and hence they should leave some residual sweetness and body. I have no more information on the ingredients or other vital beer stats, so let’s just have a sip and see how they have succeeded.
[easyreview title=”Brewdog Blitz!” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer pours clear and with a deep amber/bronze color. A compact cream-colored head is formed during pour, but it quickly collapses, leaving the slightest bit of lacing along the glass.” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The aroma is hoppy, with resinous and grassy tones, together with some caramelly maltiness.” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The flavor begins with just a slightest maltiness, that is joined by a slightly grassy hop flavor. There is somekind of metallic off-flavor present as well, that after a while becomes irritating. The aftertaste is dry, with a slight bitterness. At least the bitterness isn’t overdone, as I often find is the case with hoppy low alcohol beer. But on the other hand, the flavors are overall quite light in this one, and was hoping for more based on the aroma.” cat3rating=”2.5″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The body is thin, the carbonation level is moderate and the beer quite dry, making it easy to drink, but feeling very watery. But still a better mouthfeel than other low-alcohol beers.” cat4rating=”3″ summary=”Everything seemed promising up until tasting the beer, and unfortunately the beer was very lacking in flavors and also had a weird metallic off-flavor present. As could be expected, the body was thin, but this style is difficult to tackle, and it was a good attempt. I like the idea of a tasty low-alcohol beer, but unfortunately this one didn’t quite deliver. Hopefully Brewdog doesn’t stop experimenting though!”]