I (pre-)ordered some hop rhizomes earlier this spring (Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Columbus and Nugget), and on Tuesday a package arrived at my door. I planted some Cascade and Chinook over at our summer cottage two years ago, but they haven’t really done that well. The Chinook grew extremely well the first summer and even gave quite a large first-year harvest, but it unfortunately died during the first cold winter. The Cascade has grown poorly both years, and hasn’t given many cones either year. I decided to start fresh this year, and will also plant them in our garden at home instead (so I can monitor them more easily). Like last time, I started by planting the rhizomes in pots and keeping them indoors (I know it is not optimal to place the rhizomes this close together, but they will be moved before they are allowed to tangle together). As soon as the weather gets a little warmer (probably in a month), I will move them outside and give them more space. The rhizomes all seemed to be in good condition when they arrived, so am hopeful that at least something will grow.
Growing hops at home
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