Upcoming Brewday: Amarillo Hefeweizen – Brewing Garage Debut

On Friday we will finally brew our first batch of beer in our new brewing garage. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and we don’t suddenly realize we are missing something mid-brewday. I’ll take my camera with me and will try to get as much pictures as possible. I had an expired vial of WLP380 Hefeweizen IV in the fridge, so we decided to brew a refreshing hefeweizen with a twist for the summer. I also have some loads of Amarillo in the fridge, so we thought we’d try out how the fruitiness from Amarillo pairs with the spicy citrusy hefeweizen tones of WLP380. New Glarus Brewing has apparently tried something similar before and people seem to like their beer. Anyways, the recipe is posted below (quite simple). This will be the first time we try a step mash as well. Hoping for slightly better head retention with the short protein rest (as recently the head retention has been really poor for all my beers made with single infusion mashes and Viking Malt’s base malt). Just initiated a 1.5L starter on the stir plate. Can’t wait until Friday!

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