Homebrew: Black Lodge Imperial Stout Part II

Today I brewed up the Black Lodge Imperial Stout mentioned in the previous post. Everything went quite well, and even hit my target original gravity of 1.100, so this should end up around 9.0-9.5%, depending on how dry it ferments. Might have to add some more coffee, cherry juice concentrate and chili before bulk aging, if the flavors aren’t strong enough. Fingers crossed this turns out good. Recipe and brewday pictures below.

The ‘special’ ingredients. From left to right: The resiny and piney Chinook hops (douglas firs of the Northwestern woods), the candi syrup (the dark soul of Windom Earle), the coffee beans (damn fine coffee), the chili (something that will really light your fire), and the cherry juice concentrate (the best cherry pie in town).

Cutting up the Cheyenne chili.

Weighing up the coffee beans.

The four hop additions.

The mash. Thick and smelling good!

Lautering into the kettle. The beer is very dark and thick as you can see.

Boiling. I needed to boil off lots of water to hit the high gravity.

Enjoying a damn fine cup of joe during the boil.

Adding the juice after flameout.

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5 thoughts on “Homebrew: Black Lodge Imperial Stout Part II

  1. Henrik

    I’m a huge Twin Peaks fan myself, really looking forward to the progress of this brew! The thought behind the ingredients really hits the nails head.
    Is there any way one bottle could be traded away once the project is finished? Let me know.

  2. suregork Post author

    Thanks for the comment! I’m sure a trade can be arranged! I guess it will be until December until I bottle though, so you’ll have to wait until then 🙂

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