Homebrew: German Pilsener

Tomorrow I will be trying out the new brew kettle by brewing up a batch of a German Pilsener. The malt bill will consist of 93% Pilsner malt, 3.5% Aromatic malt, and 3.5% Wheat malt, and I will be aiming for an OG of around 1.050-1.052. The aromatic malt will be used to mimic some decoction mash tones, while the wheat will hopefully aid with head retention. I will be hopping with Magnum (bittering), Saaz (flavor and flameout) and Hallertau Mittelfrüh (flavor and flameout) to an IBU of around 35. The beer will be fermented with Saflager W-34/70 in my fermentation fridge. I also just received a new Monster Mill MM-2, so am very interested in seeing what kind of efficiencies I will get with the new mill and no-sparge combo. I am expecting an efficiency around 60% to begin with, because of the no-sparge, but hopefully I’m wrong and the efficiency will be closer to 70%. I’ll post the recipe, details on the brewday, and hopefully some pictures tomorrow.

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