Beer Hunter’s Mufloni Simcoe


  • Brewery: Panimoravintola Beer Hunter’s
  • Country: Finland
  • Style: Bitter
  • ABV: 3.5%
  • Size: 330 ml
  • Bought from: K-Citymarket, 5.10€
  • Not on Beer Advocate
  • RateBeer

    The Simcoe version of Beer Hunter’s Single Hop series, that won the beer of the year award at the Helsinki Beer Festival 2011. I’ve had this one once before and it was really tasty, so lets see how it does in the review!

    [easyreview title=”Beer Hunter’s Mufloni Simcoe” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer has a golden-amber color, and is slighty hazy (the beer is unfiltered and bottle conditioned), leaving a slight cream colored head (leaving some lacing along the glass).” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The beer aroma is dominated by fruitiness (mostly grapefruit) and pine, with some sweetness and maltiness hidden behind.” cat2rating=”3.5″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The flavour is fruity, with hints of grapefruit and peach, and resiny, with hints of pine, that finishes in a quite dry and bitter aftertaste. I feel the malt profile is lacking a bit, and the beer could benefit from a stronger body.” cat3rating=”3″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The body is dry and light, with moderate carbonation. Quite easy to drink, but not perfectly balanced in my opinion.” cat4rating=”3″ summary=”I remembered that this one was a lot tastier, so am slightly disappointed. Not a bad beer, but would think twice before buying again because of the high price. Beer Hunter’s are one of the more interesting microbreweries in Finland, and will be trying their low-ABV India Pale Ale next.”]

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