The Dark Horizon series, brewed by Nøgne Ø, consists of some ‘extreme’ Imperial Stouts, all brewed with a different one-off recipe. The third edition is described as an “imperial stout on steroids”, and “this dark and rich brew is sweet enough to be your dessert or accompany your richest crème caramel”. The beer was brewed with a large amount of ingredients, including Maris Otter, Munich, Amber, Wheat, Smoked Rye, Crystal, Brown, Chocolate and Black malt, Millennium, Columbus and Nelson Sauvin hops, and even coffee. The reported IBUs are 100, while the color is a massive 240 EBC. This should be very interesting!
[easyreview title=”Nøgne Ø Dark Horizon 3rd Edition” cat1title=”Appearance” cat1detail=”The beer pours with a pitch-black color, and a minimal tan-colored head, that quickly collapses leaving some slight lacing along the glass.” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Smell” cat2detail=”The aroma is full of dark and roasted tones, with hints of coffee, licorice, roasted malts, chocolate and smoke.” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Taste” cat3detail=”The flavour begins with tones of molasses, coffee, roastiness, chocolate and smoke, but is quickly taken over by a massive sweetness. The taste ends with a very sweet finish, that probably can be off-putting to many, coupled with slight bitterness. This sweetness hides the very high alcohol level (15.5%) very well, as it isn’t really detectable. Even though this contains coffee, it isn’t very present in the flavouring.” cat3rating=”3″ cat4title=”Mouthfeel” cat4detail=”The beer has a medium-full body, with low carbonation. The beer is very much balanced towards the sweet side of the spectrum, making it a bit difficult to drink. This is definitely a slow fireplace beer.” cat4rating=”3.5″ summary=”This is a really complex and sweet beer, full of interesting flavours, and I must say I’m slightly disappointed. The sweet taste means this is probably not for everyone, but I imagine this would be a perfect winter-warmer or dessert beer. The small size (250ml) is understandable, because of the sweetness and high alcohol level, and I spent quite some time sipping on it. The price is on the high side, as with the breweries other products, so I probably won’t be drinking this one again, but will have to try out the 4th edition if it ever is released!”]
Thanks to Pia for giving this as a gift to me!